Average Credit Score In USA by State

Your credit score is a powerful tool that can impact your financial life in numerous ways. From qualifying for loans and cash advances to getting better APRs on insurance and even employment opportunities, a good figure is essential for success in today’s world.

But what is it, how is it calculated, and what steps can you take to improve it? In this guide, we will explore the world of credit scores, including the different types, how they are calculated, and what factors can influence them. You will also find strategies and hints for bettering your score to be able to control your financial future and achieve your goals.

Calculating Credit Score: FICO vs. VantageScore

When it comes to these figures, there are various calculating systems in use. These systems are used to evaluate the creditworthiness of an individual, which is a critical factor in determining their ability to obtain loans.

Here, we will explore the two major types of scoring systems, their differences, and how they are used.

By understanding the different scoring systems, you can gain insight into your creditworthiness and take steps to improve it. Let’s dive into the details of the creditworthiness calculation method below.

Calculating Credit Score By FICO

FICO, or the Fair Isaac Corporation, is a scoring system used by lenders and other institutions to assess an individual’s creditworthiness. FICO scores are based on several factors, including financial history, amounts owed, length of financial history, credit mix, and new loans.

The FICO score varies from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better reputation. The two most important factors contributing to the FICO score calculation are payment history and amounts owed.

Payment history considers the number of payments made on time, missed payments, and any defaults or bankruptcies. Amounts owed consider factors such as the total amount of debt, the types of debt, and the amount owed on each type.

Lenders use FICO scores to determine whether to approve a loan and what interest rate to charge. By understanding how the FICO score is calculated, individuals can improve their creditworthiness and increase their chances of being approved for loan offers at favorable APRs.

Calculating Credit Score By VantageScore

VantageScore is a scoring system used to evaluate an individual’s creditworthiness. Like the FICO score, the VantageScore considers various factors to calculate an individual’s score.

VantageScore 4.0, the latest version of the model, uses six factors to calculate the figure: payment history, age and type of loan, percentage of your limit used, total balances and debt, recent financial behavior and inquiries.

One key difference between the VantageScore and the FICO score is that the VantageScore puts less emphasis on the impact of missed payments and derogatory marks. Instead, it considers the recent financial behavior and inquiries of the individual.

The VantageScore has a range between 300 and 850, and higher scores indicate a better financial record. Lenders and other institutions use VantageScore to evaluate an individual’s creditworthiness and determine whether to approve a loan.

By understanding how the VantageScore is calculated, individuals can improve their creditworthiness and increase their chances of being approved at favorable interest rates.

What Is a Good Credit Score?

A good figure is an important factor in obtaining loans. Generally, a good credit score is considered 670 or higher for the FICO score and 661 or higher for the VantageScore.

They are generally classified as poor, fair, good, very good, and excellent. A poor one is considered to be a figure below 580 for the FICO grade and below 600 for the VantageScore. A fair value is between 580 and 669 for the FICO grade and 601 and 660 for the VantageScore.

A good one is between 670 and 739 for the FICO grade and between 661 and 780 for the VantageScore. A very good figure is between 740 and 799 for the FICO model and between 781 and 850 for the VantageScore. An excellent record is a score of 800 or higher for the FICO score and 851 or higher for the VantageScore.

Average Credit Score By State

According to Experian’s 2022 State of Credit report, the state with the highest average figure is Minnesota at 742, while the state with the lowest is Mississippi at 681. The national regular grade is 695.

Other states with high figures include Vermont, New Hampshire, and South Dakota, while states with lower ones include Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia. Below is a detailed table including the data.

State Score
Alabama 691
Alaska 717
Arizona 710
Arkansas 694
California 721
Colorado 728
Connecticut 728
Delaware 714
District of Columbia 717
Florida 706
Georgia 693
Hawaii 732
Idaho 725
Illinois 719
Indiana 712
Iowa 729
Kansas 721
Kentucky 702
Louisiana 689
Maine 727
Maryland 716
Massachusetts 732
Michigan 719
Minnesota 742
Mississippi 681
Missouri 711
Montana 730
Nebraska 731
Nevada 701
New Hampshire 734
New Jersey 725
New Mexico 699
New York 722
North Carolina 707
North Dakota 733
Ohio 715
Oklahoma 692
Oregon 731
Pennsylvania 723
Rhode Island 723
Vermont 736
South Dakota 733
Tennessee 701
Texas 692
Utah 727
South Carolina 693
Virginia 721
Washington 734
West Virginia 699
Wisconsin 735
Wyoming 722

Average Credit Score By Age

The bureaus pay close attention to your age when calculating your score. This is the approximate length of your financial history. Generally, this figure rises as you get older, so older people tend to have higher scores than their younger counterparts.

But, it does not denote your real age or represent your actual score. It’s merely a general value many people within that age bracket get. Below are the scores you’ll find online.

Generation Score
(76+) Silent generation 760
(57-75) Baby boomers 740
(41-56) Generation X 705
(25-40) Millennials 686
(18-24) Generation Z 679

Why Improve My Credit Score?

A good credit score is an important asset for individuals. A high grade allows you to qualify for more offers, lower APRs and better terms regarding extra funds. This can result in significant cost savings over time.

A good reputation can open doors to better employment opportunities. That’s because many employers check an applicant’s history as part of the hiring process. A good grade can also lead to better insurance rates and lower security deposits.

On the other hand, a poor figure can limit your options when obtaining free credit or loans and may result in higher interest rates and less favorable terms. Establishing and maintaining good financial habits is important to access the loans you need to achieve your goals.

How To Improve Your Credit Score

Improving your financial record can take time and effort, but it is well worth it eventually. Here are some steps to follow to improve your stance:

  • Check your report: Obtain a free copy of your report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) and review it for errors or inaccuracies. If you find any errors in the free result, dispute them with the bureaus.
  • Pay your bills without delays: Late payments might negatively affect your record. Pay all your bills on time, including card and other debts.
  • Reduce your CUR: CUR refers to the percentage of your available credit that you are using. Keeping your CUR below 30% can help improve it.
  • Pay down debt: High debt levels can also hurt your grade. Pay your debts quickly, starting with the highest interest rate debts.
  • Don’t close old accounts: Closing old ones can hurt your grade by reducing your overall available grade. Keep your old accounts open and active, and use them occasionally to maintain your history.
  • Avoid opening new accounts: Applying for new ones can also harm your financial record, mainly if you apply for multiple accounts simultaneously.
  • Monitor your score regularly: Keeping track of your situation can aid you to determine areas for improvement.


Your score is a critical factor in your financial life. It can impact your ability to qualify for cash advance and employment opportunities. By understanding how they are calculated and what factors influence them, you can take control of your financial future and improve your score over time.

The tips and strategies in this post can help you achieve your goals. Remember to regularly check your report for errors and inaccuracies, pay your bills on time, and maintain a healthy CUR. Doing so can build a strong financial history and enjoy the many benefits of a good credit score.


No, a score of 580 is not considered to be commonly accepted for financial transactions. It is generally considered a poor figure. They typically vary between 300 and 850, and a low figure like this is usually considered to be in the range of 670 to 739.

You may qualify for some loans and cash advances with a regular one. But this will be at less favorable APRs and terms. So, you should brace for the extra costs.

Improving your financial record can increase your chances of being approved for loans and at more favorable APRs and terms and can also open up better job and insurance opportunities.

It may be possible to get a personal loan with a regular score but at higher APRs and with less favorable terms than with a higher one.